Swift Package Manager for plugin authors

Flutter's Swift Package Manager integration has several benefits:

  1. Provides access to the Swift package ecosystem. Flutter plugins can use the growing ecosystem of Swift packages!
  2. Simplifies Flutter installation. Swift Package Manager is bundled with Xcode. In the future, you won’t need to install Ruby and CocoaPods to target iOS or macOS.

How to turn on Swift Package Manager


Flutter's Swift Package Manager support is turned off by default. To turn it on:

  1. Upgrade to the latest Flutter SDK:

    flutter upgrade
  2. Turn on the Swift Package Manager feature:

    flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager

Using the Flutter CLI to run an app migrates the project to add Swift Package Manager integration. This makes your project download the Swift packages that your Flutter plugins depend on. An app with Swift Package Manager integration requires Flutter version 3.24 or higher. To use an older Flutter version, you will need to remove Swift Package Manager integration from the app.

Flutter falls back to CocoaPods for dependencies that do not support Swift Package Manager yet.

How to turn off Swift Package Manager


Disabling Swift Package Manager causes Flutter to use CocoaPods for all dependencies. However, Swift Package Manager remains integrated with your project. To remove Swift Package Manager integration completely from your project, follow the How to remove Swift Package Manager integration instructions.

Turn off for a single project


In the project's pubspec.yaml file, under the flutter section, add disable-swift-package-manager: true.

# The following section is specific to Flutter packages.
  disable-swift-package-manager: true

This turns off Swift Package Manager for all contributors to this project.

Turn off globally for all projects


Run the following command:

flutter config --no-enable-swift-package-manager

This turns off Swift Package Manager for the current user.

If a project is incompatible with Swift Package Manager, all contributors need to run this command.

How to add Swift Package Manager support to an existing Flutter plugin


This guide shows how to add Swift Package Manager support to a plugin that already supports CocoaPods. This ensures the plugin is usable by all Flutter projects.

Flutter plugins should support both Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods until further notice.

Swift Package Manager adoption will be gradual. Plugins that don't support CocoaPods won't be usable by projects that haven't migrated to Swift Package Manager yet. Plugins that don't support Swift Package Manager can cause problems for projects that have migrated.

Replace plugin_name throughout this guide with the name of your plugin. The example below uses ios, replace ios with macos/darwin as applicable.

  1. Turn on the Swift Package Manager feature.

  2. Start by creating a directory under the ios, macos, and/or darwin directories. Name this new directory the name of the platform package.

    ├── ...
    └── plugin_name/
  3. Within this new directory, create the following files/directories:

    • Package.swift (file)
    • Sources (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name (directory)

    Your plugin should look like:

    ├── ...
    └── plugin_name/
       ├── Package.swift
       └── Sources/plugin_name/
  4. Use the following template in the Package.swift file:

    // swift-tools-version: 5.9
    // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        // TODO: Update your plugin name.
        name: "plugin_name",
        platforms: [
            // TODO: Update the platforms your plugin supports.
            // If your plugin only supports iOS, remove `.macOS(...)`.
            // If your plugin only supports macOS, remove `.iOS(...)`.
        products: [
            // TODO: Update your library and target names.
            // If the plugin name contains "_", replace with "-" for the library name.
            .library(name: "plugin-name", targets: ["plugin_name"])
        dependencies: [],
        targets: [
                // TODO: Update your target name.
                name: "plugin_name",
                dependencies: [],
                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // .process("PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"),
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
  5. Update the supported platforms in your Package.swift file.

        platforms: [
            // TODO: Update the platforms your plugin supports.
            // If your plugin only supports iOS, remove `.macOS(...)`.
            // If your plugin only supports macOS, remove `.iOS(...)`.
  6. Update the package, library, and target names in your Package.swift file.

    let package = Package(
        // TODO: Update your plugin name.
        name: "plugin_name",
        platforms: [
        products: [
            // TODO: Update your library and target names.
            // If the plugin name contains "_", replace with "-" for the library name
            .library(name: "plugin-name", targets: ["plugin_name"])
        dependencies: [],
        targets: [
                // TODO: Update your target name.
                name: "plugin_name",
                dependencies: [],
                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // .process("PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"),
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
  7. If your plugin has a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file, move it to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and uncomment the resource in the Package.swift file.

                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
  8. Move any resource files from ios/Assets to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name (or a subdirectory). Add the resource files to your Package.swift file, if applicable. For more instructions, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package.

  9. Move all files from ios/Classes to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name.

  10. The ios/Assets, ios/Resources, and ios/Classes directories should now be empty and can be deleted.

  11. If your plugin uses Pigeon, update your Pigeon input file.

    kotlinOptions: KotlinOptions(),
    javaOut: 'android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/Messages.java',
    javaOptions: JavaOptions(),
    swiftOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.swift',
    swiftOut: 'ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/messages.g.swift',
    swiftOptions: SwiftOptions(),
  12. Update your Package.swift file with any customizations you might need.

    1. Open the ios/plugin_name/ directory in Xcode.

    2. In Xcode, open your Package.swift file. Verify Xcode doesn't produce any warnings or errors for this file.

    3. If your ios/plugin_name.podspec file has CocoaPods dependencys, add the corresponding Swift Package Manager dependencies to your Package.swift file.

    4. If your package must be linked explicitly static or dynamic (not recommended by Apple), update the Product to define the type:

      products: [
          .library(name: "plugin-name", type: .static, targets: ["plugin_name"])
    5. Make any other customizations. For more information on how to write a Package.swift file, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/packagedescription.

  13. Update your ios/plugin_name.podspec to point to new paths.

    s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*.swift'
    s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_privacy' => ['Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
    s.source_files = 'plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/**/*.swift'
    s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_privacy' => ['plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
  14. Update loading of resources from bundle to use Bundle.module.

         let settingsURL = Bundle.module.url(forResource: "image", withExtension: "jpg")
         let settingsURL = Bundle(for: Self.self).url(forResource: "image", withExtension: "jpg")
  15. If your .gitignore doesn't include .build/ and .swiftpm/ directories, you'll want to update your .gitignore to include:


    Commit your plugin's changes to your version control system.

  16. Verify the plugin still works with CocoaPods.

    1. Turn off Swift Package Manager.

      flutter config --no-enable-swift-package-manager
    2. Navigate to the plugin's example app.

      cd path/to/plugin/example/
    3. Ensure the plugin's example app builds and runs.

      flutter run
    4. Navigate to the plugin's top-level directory.

      cd path/to/plugin/
    5. Run CocoaPods validation lints.

      pod lib lint ios/plugin_name.podspec  --configuration=Debug --skip-tests --use-modular-headers --use-libraries
      pod lib lint ios/plugin_name.podspec  --configuration=Debug --skip-tests --use-modular-headers
  17. Verify the plugin works with Swift Package Manager.

    1. Turn on Swift Package Manager.

      flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager
    2. Navigate to the plugin's example app.

      cd path/to/plugin/example/
    3. Ensure the plugin's example app builds and runs.

      flutter run
    4. Open the plugin's example app in Xcode. Ensure that Package Dependencies shows in the left Project Navigator.

  18. Verify tests pass.

Replace plugin_name throughout this guide with the name of your plugin. The example below uses ios, replace ios with macos/darwin as applicable.

  1. Turn on the Swift Package Manager feature.

  2. Start by creating a directory under the ios, macos, and/or darwin directories. Name this new directory the name of the platform package.

    ├── ...
    └── plugin_name/
  3. Within this new directory, create the following files/directories:

    • Package.swift (file)
    • Sources (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name/include (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name/include/plugin_name (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name/include/plugin_name/.gitkeep (file)
      • This file ensures the directory is committed. You can remove the .gitkeep file if other files are added to the directory.

    Your plugin should look like:

    ├── ...
    └── plugin_name/
       ├── Package.swift
       └── Sources/plugin_name/include/plugin_name/
          └── .gitkeep
  4. Use the following template in the Package.swift file:

    // swift-tools-version: 5.9
    // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        // TODO: Update your plugin name.
        name: "plugin_name",
        platforms: [
            // TODO: Update the platforms your plugin supports.
            // If your plugin only supports iOS, remove `.macOS(...)`.
            // If your plugin only supports macOS, remove `.iOS(...)`.
        products: [
            // TODO: Update your library and target names.
            // If the plugin name contains "_", replace with "-" for the library name
            .library(name: "plugin-name", targets: ["plugin_name"])
        dependencies: [],
        targets: [
                // TODO: Update your target name.
                name: "plugin_name",
                dependencies: [],
                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // .process("PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"),
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
                cSettings: [
                    // TODO: Update your plugin name.
  5. Update the supported platforms in your Package.swift file.

        platforms: [
            // TODO: Update the platforms your plugin supports.
            // If your plugin only supports iOS, remove `.macOS(...)`.
            // If your plugin only supports macOS, remove `.iOS(...)`.
  6. Update the package, library, and target names in your Package.swift file.

    let package = Package(
        // TODO: Update your plugin name.
        name: "plugin_name",
        platforms: [
        products: [
            // TODO: Update your library and target names.
            // If the plugin name contains "_", replace with "-" for the library name
            .library(name: "plugin-name", targets: ["plugin_name"])
        dependencies: [],
        targets: [
                // TODO: Update your target name.
                name: "plugin_name",
                dependencies: [],
                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // .process("PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"),
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
                cSettings: [
                    // TODO: Update your plugin name.
  7. If your plugin has a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file, move it to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and uncomment the resource in the Package.swift file.

                resources: [
                    // TODO: If your plugin requires a privacy manifest
                    // (e.g. if it uses any required reason APIs), update the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
                    // to describe your plugin's privacy impact, and then uncomment this line.
                    // For more information, see:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files
                    // TODO: If you have other resources that need to be bundled with your plugin, refer to
                    // the following instructions to add them:
                    // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package
  8. Move any resource files from ios/Assets to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name (or a subdirectory). Add the resource files to your Package.swift file, if applicable. For more instructions, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/bundling-resources-with-a-swift-package.

  9. Move any public headers from ios/Classes to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include/plugin_name.

    • If you're unsure which headers are public, check your podspec file's public_header_files attribute. If this attribute isn't specified, all of your headers were public. You should consider whether you want all of your headers to be public.

    • The pluginClass defined in your pubspec.yaml file must be public and within this directory.

  10. Handling modulemap.

    Skip this step if your plugin does not have a modulemap.

    If you're using a modulemap for CocoaPods to create a Test submodule, consider removing it for Swift Package Manager. Note that this makes all public headers available through the module.

    To remove the modulemap for Swift Package Manager but keep it for CocoaPods, exclude the modulemap and umbrella header in the plugin's Package.swift file.

    The example below assumes the modulemap and umbrella header are located in the ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include directory.

        name: "plugin_name",
        dependencies: [],
        exclude: ["include/cocoapods_plugin_name.modulemap", "include/plugin_name-umbrella.h"],

    If you want to keep your unit tests compatible with both CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager, you can try the following:

    @import plugin_name;
    @import plugin_name.Test;
    #if __has_include(<plugin_name plugin_name-umbrella.h="">)
      @import plugin_name.Test;

    If you would like to use a custom modulemap with your Swift package, refer to Swift Package Manager's documentation.

  11. Move all remaining files from ios/Classes to ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name.

  12. The ios/Assets, ios/Resources, and ios/Classes directories should now be empty and can be deleted.

  13. If your header files are no longer in the same directory as your implementation files, you should update your import statements.

    For example, imagine the following migration:

    • Before:

      ├── PublicHeaderFile.h
      └── ImplementationFile.m
    • After:

      └── include/plugin_name/
         └── PublicHeaderFile.h
      └── ImplementationFile.m

    In this example, the import statements in ImplementationFile.m should be updated:

    #import "PublicHeaderFile.h"
    #import "./include/plugin_name/PublicHeaderFile.h"
  14. If your plugin uses Pigeon, update your Pigeon input file.

    javaOptions: JavaOptions(),
    objcHeaderOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.h',
    objcSourceOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.m',
    objcHeaderOut: 'ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/messages.g.h',
    objcSourceOut: 'ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/messages.g.m',
    copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',

    If your objcHeaderOut file is no longer within the same directory as the objcSourceOut, you can change the #import using ObjcOptions.headerIncludePath:

    javaOptions: JavaOptions(),
    objcHeaderOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.h',
    objcSourceOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.m',
    objcHeaderOut: 'ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include/plugin_name/messages.g.h',
    objcSourceOut: 'ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/messages.g.m',
    objcOptions: ObjcOptions(
      headerIncludePath: './include/plugin_name/messages.g.h',
    copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',

    Run Pigeon to re-generate its code with the latest configuration.

  15. Update your Package.swift file with any customizations you might need.

    1. Open the ios/plugin_name/ directory in Xcode.

    2. In Xcode, open your Package.swift file. Verify Xcode doesn't produce any warnings or errors for this file.

    3. If your ios/plugin_name.podspec file has CocoaPods dependencys, add the corresponding Swift Package Manager dependencies to your Package.swift file.

    4. If your package must be linked explicitly static or dynamic (not recommended by Apple), update the Product to define the type:

      products: [
          .library(name: "plugin-name", type: .static, targets: ["plugin_name"])
    5. Make any other customizations. For more information on how to write a Package.swift file, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/packagedescription.

  16. Update your ios/plugin_name.podspec to point to new paths.

    s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*.{h,m}'
    s.public_header_files = 'Classes/**/*.h'
    s.module_map = 'Classes/cocoapods_plugin_name.modulemap'
    s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_privacy' => ['Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
    s.source_files = 'plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/**/*.{h,m}'
    s.public_header_files = 'plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include/**/*.h'
    s.module_map = 'plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include/cocoapods_plugin_name.modulemap'
    s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_privacy' => ['plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
  17. Update loading of resources from bundle to use SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE:

       NSBundle *bundle = SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE;
       NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
     NSURL *imageURL = [bundle URLForResource:@"image" withExtension:@"jpg"];
  18. If your ios/plugin_name/Sources/plugin_name/include directory only contains a .gitkeep, you'll want update your .gitignore to include the following:


    Run flutter pub publish --dry-run to ensure the include directory is published.

  19. Commit your plugin's changes to your version control system.

  20. Verify the plugin still works with CocoaPods.

    1. Turn off Swift Package Manager:

      flutter config --no-enable-swift-package-manager
    2. Navigate to the plugin's example app.

      cd path/to/plugin/example/
    3. Ensure the plugin's example app builds and runs.

      flutter run
    4. Navigate to the plugin's top-level directory.

      cd path/to/plugin/
    5. Run CocoaPods validation lints:

      pod lib lint ios/plugin_name.podspec  --configuration=Debug --skip-tests --use-modular-headers --use-libraries
      pod lib lint ios/plugin_name.podspec  --configuration=Debug --skip-tests --use-modular-headers
  21. Verify the plugin works with Swift Package Manager.

    1. Turn on Swift Package Manager:

      flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager
    2. Navigate to the plugin's example app.

      cd path/to/plugin/example/
    3. Ensure the plugin's example app builds and runs.

      flutter run
    4. Open the plugin's example app in Xcode. Ensure that Package Dependencies shows in the left Project Navigator.

  22. Verify tests pass.


How to update unit tests in a plugin's example app


If your plugin has native XCTests, you might need to update them to work with Swift Package Manager if one of the following is true:

  • You're using a CocoaPod dependency for the test.
  • Your plugin is explicitly set to type: .dynamic in its Package.swift file.

To update your unit tests:

  1. Open your example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode.

  2. If you were using a CocoaPod dependency for tests, such as OCMock, you'll want to remove it from your Podfile file.

    target 'RunnerTests' do
      inherit! :search_paths
      pod 'OCMock', '3.5'

    Then in the terminal, run pod install in the plugin_name_ios/example/ios directory.

  3. Navigate to Package Dependencies for the project.

    The project's package dependencies
    The project's package dependencies

  4. Click the + button and add any test-only dependencies by searching for them in the top right search bar.

    Search for test-only dependencies
    Search for test-only dependencies

  5. Ensure the dependency is added to the RunnerTests Target.

    Ensure the dependency is added to the  target
    Ensure the dependency is added to the RunnerTests target

  6. Click the Add Package button.

  7. If you've explicitly set your plugin's library type to .dynamic in its Package.swift file (not recommended by Apple), you'll also need to add it as a dependency to the RunnerTests target.

    1. Ensure RunnerTests Build Phases has a Link Binary With Libraries build phase:

      The  Build Phase in the  target
      The Link Binary With Libraries Build Phase in the RunnerTests target

      If the build phase doesn't exist already, create one. Click the add and then click New Link Binary With Libraries Phase.

      Add  Build Phase
      Add Link Binary With Libraries Build Phase

    2. Navigate to Package Dependencies for the project.

    3. Click add.

    4. In the dialog that opens, click the Add Local... button.

    5. Navigate to plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/ios/plugin_name_ios and click the Add Package button.

    6. Ensure that it's added to the RunnerTests target and click the Add Package button.

  8. Ensure tests pass Product > Test.